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Well it is a sad time of year to have to put the boat away. But looking forward to ice fishing if we get safe ice. My last day fishing was October 19th. That day was beautiful i fished in shorts. The fishing was terrible we fished from 9:30 am until about 3:30 and caught one bass. We saw a dozen or so and 3 walleye that were laying on bottom. This day was very calm i think a bit of wind would have helped, everyone we spoke to was not having luck. Overall I can’t complain about the season i fished from May 10th until October 19th every weekend but 3 and had 6 weeks vacation. 99% of my fishing was on Balsam. I can’t say that one particular bait or lure stood out, although the fall was late coming and crank baits caught the majority. I keep track of all the walleye i catch time of day caught and length each year. I ended the season with 42 walleye, 38 of which were from balsam. More than the previous year and less that 2 years ago. The largest this season on Balsam was 25”. I caught lots of bass and several pike as well. There is never consistency to my catches or one technique or lure/bait that shines. Rocky flats with weed beds close by often produce in the evening until dark. Working weeds with hair jigs and weed less craw with bullet weights help during the dog days of summer. A few years ago worm harness with bottom bouncer worked well 12 to 14 ft off weed edges but not this year. It seems every year is a new learning curve. Before i started fishing Balsam 6 years ago, we cottaged in Muskoka on a small land locked lake. I fished this lake a lot and always had success, lots of numbers and often big fish. I did however fish mostly minnows. Coming to Balsam has been a huge eye opener for me. I have struggled many days and have learned a lot through trying new lures and techniques ,thanks to info from all the great people on this forum that have reached out or i have read their posts. Now i never use live bait only worms rarely. I have been fortunate to have caught some trophy fished but consistency is what needs work. Now it is time for me to catch up on my to due list that was neglected all season and get my boat put to bed.I just though i would share my season with everyone and hope everyone had a good season and those that are still at it, good luck and be safe. I will try to include a few pictures at least from September/ October
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Posts: 324
Member No.: 13479
Joined: January 31, 2017
This walleye was caught in early September on our annual guys fishing weekend north of Bancroft. Just though i would share .28” very thick fish released to reproduce
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Great pictures and report. That's a very nice season of fishing, with some very big fish. Too bad you put the boat away it's like summer up here. Last two days have been non stop fishing, with a bit of sleep. I have never seen this many boats out, this late in October. Yesterday counted 14 boats, 15 including us. Don't wish for ice yet please, still lots of time for fishing. Cold fishing. You really take good care of that boat, still looks new. Happy Halloween flexkk.
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QUOTE (crappeeeman @ Oct 31, 2024 - 01:15 pm)
Great pictures and report. That's a very nice season of fishing, with some very big fish. Too bad you put the boat away it's like summer up here. Last two days have been non stop fishing, with a bit of sleep. I have never seen this many boats out, this late in October. Yesterday counted 14 boats, 15 including us. Don't wish for ice yet please, still lots of time for fishing. Cold fishing. You really take good care of that boat, still looks new. Happy Halloween flexkk.
Thanks CM. It was a great season with lots of fishing. Boats are a lot of money now so i believe in taking good care of it. That is also why i pull it out a bit early so the weather is better . I wax it 3 coats before it goes away and i scrubbed the floor last night, just need to change the fluids. Sits in the water all year and no water line at all. Happy Halloween
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Just as an interesting side note. Out of the 38 walleye caught on Balsam ,5 were out of the slot that could have been kept. The 25” went back i kept a 22.5” and also released two 10” and a 14.5 “.
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Looks like you had a great season. I’m surprised you never hooked into a Muskie or a lot more Pike?
I do miss having the cottage on Balsam when I used to troll most nights I was there. Used to get 30” Walleye. 5 lb plus smallies and the odd 40” plus Muskie.
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Member No.: 13479
Joined: January 31, 2017
QUOTE (Woodfarmer @ Nov 03, 2024 - 03:40 pm)
Looks like you had a great season. I’m surprised you never hooked into a Muskie or a lot more Pike?
I do miss having the cottage on Balsam when I used to troll most nights I was there. Used to get 30” Walleye. 5 lb plus smallies and the odd 40” plus Muskie.
Thanks WF it was a great season. No Muskie which surprises me that i never run into any only caught one 36” a few years ago. As for pike probably caught about 15 this season biggest was 36”. I do want to spend more time trolling as I don’t do it often enough.
Fishing Kawartha Lakes
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